Name: β-D-galactoside galactohydrolase
Appearance: White amorphous powder, lyophilized
Activity: Grade Ⅱ, 500U/mg-solid or more
Contaminants: α-galactosidase ≤1×10-4 %, α-glucosidase ≤1×10-4%
β-glucosidase ≤ 2×10-3%, β-mannosidase ≤1×10-4%
α-mannosidase ≤ 1×10-4%, proteinase ≤10mAbs/mg-P
Stabilizer: MG2+
Stability: Stable at -20℃ for at least 12 months
Molecular weight: 540,000
Isoelectric point: 4.61
Michaelis constants: 3.0×10-4M (o-Nitrophenyl-β-D-galactoside), 6.7×10-5M (p-Nitrophenyl-β-D-galactoside), 2.3×10-4M (Phenyl-β-D–galactoside), 2.5×10-3M (Lactose
Inhibitors: p-Chloromercuribenzoate Lodoacetamide heavy metal ions (Zn2+,Fe3+,Cd2+ , Cu2+ , Pb2+ ,Ag+ ,Hg2+), lonic detergents (SDS DAC etc.)
Optimum pH: 7.0-7.5
Optimum temperature: 50-55℃
pH Stability: pH 6.5-8.5 (25℃, 20hr)
Thermal stability: below 50℃ (pH 7.3, 15min)
Substrate specificity: The enzyme specifically hydrolyzes β-D-galactosyl linkage,
Used in In Vitro Diagnostic tests and Life Sciences, Research & Development
β-D-galactoside + H2O —-> D-galactose + R-OH This enzyme is used for structural investigation of carbohydrates, the determination of lactose (foodstuff analysis) and as an enzyme label for enzyme immunoassay.
< -20ºC
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