Name: L-Aspartate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransaminase. AST/ASAT.
Appearance: Yellow-green powder lyophilized
Activity: 50 u/mg-solid or more at 37°C
Contaminants: CK < 6×10-3 %, ALT (GPT) < 7×10-2 %, LDH < 6×10-3 %
GTD < 0.2 %, MDH < 1.4×10-2 %, Ammonia < 4×10-2 %
Storage: Store at -20°C
Molecular weight: approx. 92 000
Unit definition: One unit will catalyze the transamination of 1 micromole of LAspartate and alpha-
ketoglutarate, forming L-glutamate and oxaloacetate per minute at 37°C and pH 7.8. Measured at 340nm as 1
equimolar amount of NAD produced by a coupled reaction.
Expiration: Stable at least 1 year at –20°C
EC #
Used in In Vitro Diagnostic tests and Life Sciences, Research & Development
< -20ºC
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