Formula: C10H17N3O6S Molecular weigth: 307.3 D Specific rotation (α) 25/D (water): -17° – 21°. Appearance: White, crystalline powder. Solubility: Clear, colorless in water (c = 50 mg/ml). A405 (hydrous solution, alkaline; 4.0 ml + 0.2 ml NaOH, 2 mol/l): ≤ 0.050. Melting range: + 189 to + 200°C. Purity (enzimatically and iodometric): ≥ 98. Loss on drying (+105° C, 2 hours): ≤ 1%. Glutathione, oxidized form (enzymatically): ≤ 1.5% Fe (bathophenanthroline): ≤ 5 ppm Heavy metals (as Pb, AAS): ≤ 5 ppm Methanol (GC): ≤ 50 ppm Aceton (GC): ≤ 50 ppm Ethanol (GC): ≤ 0.1% Stability: At + 2 to +8° C within specification range for 24 months.
Used in In Vitro Diagnostic tests and Life Sciences, Research & Development
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