Product name: (S)-malate: NAD+ oxydoreductase
Appearance: White amorphous powder lyophilized
Activity: 1250 U/mg protein or more
Contaminants: GOT ≤ 5.0×10-3%
Lactate dehydrogenase ≤ 5.0×10-3%
Fumarase ≤ 1.0×10-3%
CK ≤ 5.0×10-3%
GPT ≤ 5.0×10-3%
Glutamate Dehydrogenase ≤ 1.0×10-3%
Stability: Stable at -20°C for at least 12 months
Substrate specificity: The enzyme is specific for L-malic acid.
EC #
Used in In Vitro Diagnostic tests and Life Sciences, Research & Development
< -20ºC
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