Appearance: Red-brown lyophilizate
Activity (+25°C, guaiacol, H2O2) : ≥225 U/mg lyophilizate
Specific Activity (+25°C, ABTS, H2O2, pH 5.0): ≥900 U/mg lyophilizate
Purity number (A403/A275): 3.0-3.5
A403 (0.2 mg/ml, against buffer): No limit
Contaminants (expressed as percentage of Peroxidase activity):
ATPase: ≤0.001
Catalase: ≤0.7
Phosphatase, acidic: ≤0.001
Isoenzyme distribution (HPLC): ≥90% (homogeneous with respect to
isoenzyme C)
Amino groups: 2-3 mol/mol enzyme
Carbohydrates: 12.0-14.5% (w/w)
Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 24 months. Keep
tightly sealed.
Used in In Vitro Diagnostic tests and Life Sciences, Research & Development
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